Often times when I am called upon to speak, teach or share about Jesus, these types of questions are asked…
“What about those who have not heard about Jesus?”
“Will God punish someone who has never heard about Him?”
“What if missionaries do not reach that particular tribe in their home land, will they be judged the same way as those who have heard?”
“What if a person had physical disabilities that hindered their understanding of God?”
As you can see, in my occupation of serving God’s church and people as a whole, many questions will arise when the topic of God and Jesus come up. The short answer to these questions is that God is a merciful, loving and kind God. Being holy first and foremost as well as omnipotent, omnipresent and
Omnipresent He has the answers to all the questions that were ever asked.
But as I often say to my husband when he speaks in general terms. “I want details.”
“I need details.” My goal is to go deeper with more details dealing with important questions as I share in this article and future ones to come.
Jesus’ Claim
In the gospels there is one of several scenes, that display the tenderness of Christ Jesus and His incredible holiness that is shown through in His awesome loving and comfort. He is speaking to His disciples, comforting them encouraging them to keep their focus on God and on Him, because He is going to heaven to prepare a place for them.
Jesus makes the claim that He is the ONLY way to salvation. Then verifies and solidifies His claim. It was inconceivable for the disciples to be separated from Him, after being with him, basically 24/7 for the past three years. They longed to be with Jesus and were distraught about His leaving. This scene starts with Jesus encouraging His beloved disciples and ending with Thomas, the spokesman for the group asking Jesus one of the most important questions to mankind.
“Do not let your heart be troubled;
believe in God, believe also in Me.
“In My Father’s house are many dwelling places;
if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.
“If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself,
that where I am, there you may be also.
“And you know the way where I am going.”
Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going,
how do we know the way?”
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life;
no one comes to the Father but through Me.-
John 14:1-6
Those that are followers of Jesus as Lord, hold to the above saying as the very core, the very solid foundation of what we not only believe but know to be true as Christians.
But yet others may ask…well what about all the other variables in the world?
Us humans live in a pluralistic world full of a multitude of societies with people of all kinds of social classes, religions, races, etc., yet we are continuing to have different traditions and interests. As the saying goes, “America is the melting pot. And the melting pot is the world.”
So how do we factor all of that into the equation?
Is this claim right?
I mentioned earlier that many questions come my way in regards to Christianity and as a servant of most holy God. Some people are actually offended when I tell them that “Jesus is the ONLY way.” They forget that these are not my words but the words of Jesus; therefore I am simple quoting my Savior. However, for those who want to sincerely understand and question who Jesus really is, the answer is found as they study the Bible for themselves, learning the holy truths of God.
Some people will question Jesus’ claim of being the only way and Him being God. There are usually three camps of thought that people nestle themselves into:
1) Jesus had to be a liar OR
2) Jesus had to be a crazy person who needs to be locked up in a mental institution OR , the final answer 3) Jesus was and is Lord of all.
All that Jesus claimed was true so He cannot be a liar. Jesus cannot be a lunatic because all of His claims is, was and always will be truth so we must except that Jesus is the final answer as the viewpoint of followers of Jesus who process Christianity as their faith.
Questions, Questions, Questions= Valid Certified Answers
Questions are good they help understand and lead us to the knowledge that we seek
While some people reading this might respond by asking more questions, such as:
Question:“ But what about good, moral people?”
Answer: The good person is someone who has never, not at any time since they were born committed or even thought of a moral crime. In other words they have never offended God’s throne. If there was such a person, we would not need Jesus. But because no one can rise and validate that claim to themselves, we can conclude that because no one is good, not one…verifies that we all need Jesus. God is a just and fair One. He offers us Jesus as a pardon for the remission of our sins. So we are responsible to respond to His gracious loving offer through acceptance and praise.
Question: “But I have not committed that many wrong things (sins), why would this apply to me?”
Answer: Just because we are innocent of the majority of things, still does not prove or validate that we as humans are or can be perfect. From the time we are born to the time we die we are repeat offenders when it comes to sin/wrong doings. God’s justice requires that we are perfect. But you might ask “How can I be perfect? NO ONE is perfect!” But there is more…God knowing we are not perfect provides for us to render us completely guilt free
What pure joy!
To continue, PART II…coming soon
YOUR TURN: What are your questions? Ask, seek and you will find Jesus!
Search for the answers in the pages of your Bible.
- The Holy Bible- The Gospel of John 14: 1-3
- Stand to Reason-http://www.str.org/- Dr. Greg Koukl
August – 2015 – Women’s Bible Study: Spiritual Warfare: Overcoming the Enemy.
All are welcome to attend. Tuesday mornings AND evenings
For more info. contact: Church on Randall Place at 1- (928) 476-4249 www.churchonrandallplace.org
Email : deeprootsinchrist@hotmail.com
About the Author:
Simone Lake is a Christ follower, bride of Pastor Dr. John Lake, Bible teacher and a passionate pray-er. Visit her on: www.deeprootsinchrist.com, www.simonelake.com, http://deeprootsinchrist.sermon.net, FaceBook, Twitter and LinkedIn
NOTE: This devotional article is part of her series of Apologetics Writings.
Simone is currently completing her studies in Apologetics at Biola University
and is a member and speaker of the International Society of Women in Apologetics (ISWA)