
Treasured Jewels

What is your most treasured jewel? 

Some people may say it is their wedding ring or wedding band because of the double blessing that it represents, the ring itself and then the symbolism of marriage.  There are a variety of rings with various shapes and sizes.  Some are dripping with multiple karats of gold and jewels of various kinds.  Some have just one large jewel that catches the eye, standing out on its own.  Still some are very simple small band or a simple jewel.  Each one regardless of variety is meaningful to each owner.

Others may treasure family heirlooms as their most treasured jewel, considering those precious items that are passed down from generation to generation their most valuable jewels. These items are usually presented at special events and memorable to all.

Others would consider their own family members their jewels.  Spouses will say this about their husband or wife and parents will proclaim this about their children.

When reading scripture, there is clear evidence what things are jewels in God’s eyes. His creation and all those that hear upon His name and receive Him

Sacred Jewels

One of the Minor Prophets, Malachi expresses perfectly God’s idea of a jewel.  He says “And they shall be mine, says the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spares his own son that serves him.  In all the splendor of the world, a magnificent and holy heavenly Father does not brag upon His creation of the galaxies, Ozarks or even the vastness of land or ocean deep wonders.  Instead, He desires with great passion to make you His jewel through His Son Jesus.


So I want to ask you, what is your most treasured jewel?   Do you know that you are a gazillion times greater a treasured jewel to God?  Why?  Because He created you!  Look to Him to draw closer and reflect the shiny rays of the light of Christ.

Scriptural Text:  Malachi 3:17

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